All About The Toys

If you follow Orkney Parrots on social media You may have seen me announcing an exclusive Luxury Foraging toy line. Thees are available to preorder now and will start shipping on the 31st of March this year. 

Træ Luxury Foraging Block 

This unique crafted parrot toy is a hollo block of carved poplar wood. It comes supplied on a length of sisal. You can stuff this toy with your parrot’s favourite treats or even paper. You could also use Orkney Parrots veg although I would recommend using it dry for foraging.. 

Træ Luxury Foraging Chimney 

This is similar to the style of the Træ Luxury Foraging Block. In fact when brainstorming for toy names this narrowly escaped being called a test-tube owing to its shape. The principle is the same as the Træ Luxury Foraging block. This toy comes suspended on sisal and can be loaded up for foraging fun. 

Træ Luxury Foraging Staff 

This toy is where things start to vary significantly. It is a long piece of poplar suspended on sisal with crosscut openings, perfect for foraging and big beaks to destroy. 

Træ Luxury Foraging Log 

This is apparently the most complex piece [in this line] to make, so far. It is as the name suggests like a log. Only this log has a piece of sisal running through it. Also the ends have been hollowed out, making generous compartments enabling foraging behaviour. Again this is perfect for large beaks to destroy. 

Træ Luxury Foraging Select Bundle 

This bundle combines the Orkney Parrots Træ Luxury Forageing Block; Træ Luxury Foraging Chimney and Træ Luxury foraging Staff at a reduced price. 

All of the toys in todays blog have been made possible in collaboration with tornado Scot. You can follow them on Instagram to see examples of their usual work. 

I am eagerly awaiting finding out what you and your parrot think of these artisanal Luxury Foraging parrot toys.


Really I don't do this


What happens next?